Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 233

(Should have posted this yesterday).
A day to experiment with the Sudnow Method. Played Over the Rainbow, experimented with voicing on the fly. Dabbled in closed voicings.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 231

Another Decision Day.

Here's some of a post I wrote on the Sudnow Forum:

I'm back (to the Sudnow Method) with a new perspective that includes just shutting off my evaluations of my play, stop trying to find shortcuts, and mainly just doing the Sudnow Method.

So I will be in the "learning and nonevaluative" mode with the Suds Method. Here is part of my game plan:

1. I'm not going to judge how I sound anymore. Sure, if it sounds good, I won't be able to not notice! But the emphasis is going to be on LEARNING, and not on judging each song I do as the "be all and end all." Each song, each chord cluster, is going to be seen as a part of learning, and not as evidence of how bad or good I play. Learning is to be emphasized, not judging. So I won't move on to a second song until the first is played cleanly and carefully even if quite slowly.

2. No more trying to figure out shortcuts. No more figuring out things using my brain. Trust the Method. Just do the Method, don't evaluate it. REALLY STOP LOOKING FOR THE HOLY GRAIL METHOD. Put all the energy that I'm wasting either evaluating this Method or looking for the perfect method into just DOING THIS Method. Did I say, "Trust the Method? Play at the piano!

A) Voice songs, one at a time.
B) Practice playing them carefully. Look at each cluster. Play each song on time. Even if its slow, play On Time. Don't memorize the song; OK to look on lead sheet as I play.
C) After I can play it On-Time, even if slowly, move on to the next song. I think one of my errors in the past is moving too quickly with accepting mistakes in songs, and then moving on to a next song.

Worked on "Over the Rainbow."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 230

(Should have posted this yesterday).
Attempting ti individualize Sudnow stuff to my learning style.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 229

On p. 14 of Pete's book.
On p. 12 of the Richards book.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 228

Did a little song play today....

Thinking still of the next steps.....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 227

Today I jammed with my buddy on bass!

Here's "Fly Me to the Moon," and "Pennies From Heaven."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 226

Practiced the last copule days and today, but decided to stop piano lessons at this time due to finances. Here's a preliminary plan....will use the Alan Swain book...stay tuned for further developments....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 225

Did the chord drills.

Started working on "Yesterday (More Complicated Version)."
It is D I F F I C U L T.

Day 224

(Should have posted this yesterday).
Played a little song stuff.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 223

(Should have posted this yesterday).

Had piano lesson.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 222

Did the four fingered chords and practiced my songs in preparation for tomorrow's lesson.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 221

Did the four finger chord drills in the goal time of ten minutes.
Played some song stuff:

Day 220

(Should have posted this yesterday).
Practiced some songs.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 219

Practiced "Misty."
Here's how it sounds at this point, complete with mistakes and cat meows:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 218

Just had enough energy to play repertoire tonight.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 217

Worked on songs: Yesterday, Misty, Try to Remember, Fly Me to the Moon, Embracable You.

And its clicking.

Did my four fingered chord exercises within the ten minute goal.

Patience, grasshopper......patience.

Day 216

(Should heve posted this yesterday).

Worked on songs: Yesterday, Misty, Emraceable You.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 215

Back from vacation!

Over vacation, memorized the finger positions for the dim 7th chords.
Today, did four finger chord exercises and some song work.