Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Doodle Day ~ But Yet Another Change ~ More Robert Conti

A very laid back day on guitar. Just played my repertoire, did a very small amount of IFR stuff, played what I know of "I've Got a Crush on You," and made yet another change of plans regarding my guitar learning. Nothing will change with regard to my chord melody song learning, and using Robert Conti's materials to get there. The IFR stuff will also still be there, but not emphasized. But a major shift in focus will be made with regards to how I'm going to try to learn improve.

There is a plethora of methods, videos, DVDs, and books out there when it comes to teaching improvisation. And I have some. There are methods out there that emphasize learning arpeggios, theory, chords, shapes, modes, scales, etc., etc. Then there is a method of learning improv like they did in the old days.

That method is learning solos. Memorizing them. Copying them. Making them your own by mixing them up. And I think that's the method for me. So to learn improvisation, I'll use Robert Conti's "Ticket to Improv. Volume One." 

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