Friday, December 17, 2010

A Hard Working Day at the Piano

Worked on Rainbow and Winding Road. Went ok, but had a bit of trouble remembering them! Maybe what I'll do is just start considering review of songs learned as an ***important part of practice that is just as essential as song learning.*** I used to mostly just go from song to song, and mostly not see review as a critical part of practice. But a shift of perspective might be in order here. All songs learned, I think, need to be seen as not just learned forever, but as continued works in progress.

Also worked on Crush on You. It's too easy to just see practice as the process of learning a new song, because of the novelty factor of newness that the new song brings. But, again, seeing the old songs as "works in progress" can help not only with making the songs sound smoother, but in the learning process of getting my brain more and more used to voiced clusters.

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