Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday / Four Days

Rode exercise bike for 1/2 hour. 

Continue to work on the Swain book. Added Fmaj7 to my list: chords known now are: Cmaj7, Dmin7, Emin7, Fmaj7, C6, and G7.

The piano is difficult. 

Sure I might know these chords, but playing them in the context of Swain's melodies (using a melody note and staying in time) is challenging. Finding myself getting ahead of myself thinking I should be better at it, how am I going to play it when it gets more complex, etc. BUT I'M ONLY FOUR DAYS INTO THE BOOK! WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT MY PATIENCE?? Hahahahahahahaha!

I think it will help to remember to not expect to be a master song player after just a little practice. This kind of thing takes time. And I am enjoying it as long as I don't try to get ahead of myself.

Went back to the piano after writing the stuff above and it was good! Working up to p. 8 in the Swain book and actually added another boogie woogie (from the boggie woogie book) left hand pattern to my left hand. Started to actually get a little bit in time slamming down right handed chord stuff as I jammed on those left hand patterns.

I thought earlier today that perhaps I should just work on the Swain material since I probably don't have the time to work on the Swain material AND the boogie wiggle book. But I want to try both, with an emphasis on the Swain method. That boogie woogie stuff is just too much fun to resist! 

Read about a boogie woogie piano player who only played in the keys of C an G. Inspirational!!  Man, play music your OWN way!

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