Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Two Measure Goal

• Feeling a little fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt getting back into the piano. What am I doing?? I won't be successful. Etc., etc., etc. But also paradoxically feel good about the change. Will have to be diligent in fighting back the inevitable oncoming frustration, and thinking that maybe there is a better method out there.
• Among other advice offered about practicing, Swain talks about learning a couple of measures at a time. Sounds good as a start. I can then build on that to add other goals to my practice after I start with the initial idea of two measure masterey
• My goal is not to improvise jazz piano leads. My goal is to make music at the piano playing songs.
• Feeling intimidated yet good about the change. 
• I think I got as far as I want with guitar at this point. I'll continue with my current bands, but I'm considering leaving the old time jazzy band.

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