Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2010

Trying to work something into this stuff that would help with the frustration of memorization, I put Rainbow and Crush on one sheet of paper each, with the lyrics, chords, and some hints with regards to some melody notes. For me, the memorization can suck fun out at times! The jury is still out with reagrds to how helpful this new process of mine might be. It will still take memorization of clusters and melody notes, but that seems reasonable. Perhaps memorizing a dozen or so tunes would be most desirable, but with the little time I get at the piano, this new process might be helpful. As of this writing, i tried it with Crush, and a
although it takes a little getting used to, it seems OK. Its helpful to have the sheet as an aid, though its highlighting my difficulty with some melody notes (that I just wrote in).

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