Sunday, June 11, 2017


I don't want my improvisations to sound like mere random notes. I want my improvisations to be a melody but unlike the song's melody.

Traveled about 2.5 hours today (once to get there, once to return), to visit my dad, and I listened to a lot of Charlie Christian during the ride. Now his solos were the real deal. Melodic and bluesy. A nice mix. Similarly, I agree with Louis Armstrong in that music needs a melody.

Came home and practiced my improvisation as well as melody notes to "Autumn Leaves."  My ability to play the song's melody is actually improving. I'm stretching myself by playing my improvisation in three positions, and by playing the lower strings more. It's actually sounding good, and I'm pleased. My improvs are not always melodic and soulful, but at least they aren't sounding like random notes!

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