Saturday, May 12, 2012

Individuality vs Tradition vs Easy vs Difficult

Reading a couple of good books: "The Perfect Wrong Note" and "Free Play." Also played my three repertoire songs today. So where are we? Let's see. Looks like playing for me may be an attempt to resolve some tensions including: to what extent do I keep it easy as possible, but does this sacrifice technical skills that may in the short run be boring and tedious but ultimately rewarding? To what extent is focusing on my own way of playing using my present strategies a great way for me to express myself creatively and in my individual way, or to what extent is that a cop out? Let's see. I'm almost 50 years old. I think I'm going to keep the status quo. I want to have fun and express myself without the pressure of pressure. If I dabble in other methods or programs, cool. But let's continue to focus on what keeps me at the piano.

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