Saturday, April 1, 2017

Here We Go!

• Restarted the Bill Susman material and I started working on "Oh Christmas Tree." It feels good.
• •  Learning about progressions, its interesting how things fit together. Was learning from one piano book how to figure out what keys go with what chords, but then I realized that I already learned that in a guitar book in a different way (when I expanded on my own how to do it).
••• For now, I'm still working with the piano improvisation book to.....learn improvisation. So what I'm doing is using the Susman material primarily to learn how to play the heads of songs, and using the improvisation book to hopefully someday improvise over the chords in songs. So I'm not doing everything the improv book covers (it covers chord inversions, and other material). I'm simply picking and choosing in it to learn mostly just improvisation. On page 75 in the book.

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