Thursday, August 8, 2013

Stumbling / Crawling

But it's ok. Trying to find the quickest method of connecting a melody note to its associated chord. Figured the best way to do this at this point might be to remember HOW each chord shape is associated with each note. It's easier to do if the chord contains the root on the E or A strings. I may have mentioned this before, but with regards to the five chord groups, only the two major ones have chords not associated with the root on the E or A strings. So today I worked on just trying to remember how those C shapes are related to the associated notes and roots. So far, a procedure I'm using is this:
1) Find the melody note on the B or E string.
2) Try to find the chord shape associated with it. This is the hard part: trying to get to the associated chord shape as fast as possible. So perhaps by learning the chord shapes and getting them associated with the root quickly in my mind may be key. And I started that today. 
A possible good exercise: For each given note, find the chord structure for a lot of chords. Difficult.

Edit: there's got to be a way to crack the code, and I think I'm getting closer to it by trying to learn rules like: "when the bass note is here and the melody note is juxtaposed here, use this chord form,

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