Monday, April 20, 2015


• Ok so diet didn't go so great last night. Burned 358 calories on exercise bike for 1/2 hour this morning. Did some weight lifting, too.
• So my exercise routine seems to be going ok, but I need to get more strict with my diet. Had too much candy today. I AM losing weight despite my dietary lapses.
• Only have a couple of more pages until Sudnow's MISTY is completed. David Sudnow presents such a gorgeous arrangement of this song. Been listening to his course, too. Didn't practice too long today, but it is great to practice when the internal doubter and evaluator doesn't show up too much and the music comes to the forefront. Decided to put the Kast book on hold for now.
• Added more quotes to the post devoted to Mildred Portney Chase's book: "JUST BEING AT THE PIANO."

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