Not too easy remembering those chord shapes, but its worth it. So far, I've memorized chord shapes associated with the following notes: C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, G, Ab, A, and Bb. Only two more to go: F# and B.... Practiced these chords in context within the playing of some songs, and results have been interesting. Some initial observations of trying that:
1) Sometimes in playing the clusters within the context of songs, the chords have fit better than other times. Hence, Moody's recommendation to learn a number of chords for each note.
2) Practice is important for a number of reasons.... Getting those clusters in the hands and familiarizing those clusters so that they are as easy to get to as a normal C chord is crucial. Or else what happens is those hesitations playing songs trying to get the hands to play on time and perfectly. Not only practicing the chords, but playing them in the context of songs is going to help enormously in learning. In conclusion, I'd agree with Sudnow that learning clusters within the ontext of songs is crucial; however, for me, learning the chords in isolation is important also.
3) The chords Moody presents are very rich and sometimes quite dissonant, at least where I am now in my learning. Playing them in the context of songs serves to give practice in when to use them, and when possibly use regular chords instead.
Great stuff.
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