Monday, August 14, 2017

Back at It

Restarted the Fewell book, and I'm liking it. Went over some Gm (the ii chord) melodic extensions. Interestingly enough, I read a review of the book in which the reviewer said that these same extensions can be played over the V chord. Grabbed my guitar, recorded a C7 chord and that was correct! As per yesterday's post, getting into this book again after having more knowledge about chord progressions is very helpful. The next part of the book will be looking at a sample imprivisation using the Gm extensions. I'm a bit concerned where the other notes will come from other than the Gm extensions, but we'll see...

Started again for the billionth time trying to be more healthy. Yesterday was my 23rd wedding anniversary, and my wife and I as well as two of my kids went out to eat. Yep, I overate. Hopefully I can get back on track with being healthy, and stay on track. Interestingly, I did great during vacation, but messed up the week I returned. Today I ate better, took care of myself better, and walked over 10,000 steps as measured by my Fitbit.

Wanting another guitar. Something not too expensive, but something electric that I can play other than my Gibson. It's a hassle playing the Gibson because it's such a valuable instrument that I feel that I have to take extra care of it. I didn't have this issue when I had my Epiphone Casino that I miss. Another part of me wants another guitar, but for it to be an exceptional electric jazz guitar. 

Things would be so much easier if I therefore get two more guitars!

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