Saturday, January 31, 2015

Down and Up and Uncertainty

•Did my 1/2 hour on exercise bike; eating wasn't super nutritious today.
•Practiced with the rock band today. Went ok, I guess, but was like going through the motions.
•Wondering what the heck I should be doing music wise. Piano flew in and out of my mind. Not in the mood to do chord melody guitar. My leads in genres other than 50's and some 60's stuff are difficult. Looked through Aebersold's first book and I'm not just sure about that. Used a "pattern chart" that I think uses the pentatonic scale with a song and it didn't sound too horrible. But also did the same with Silver's patterns and that didn't sound too bad either. 
The "pattern chart" seems easier in the short run, but Silver's patterns are also ok. What seems to be helping is using some melody notes during the improvs. Maybe combining Silver's patterns with the  pentatonic scale somehow would be cool. Not sure what to do with regards to improvising. But I better not buy another book :)

Friday, January 30, 2015


•Trying to get back to being more healthy. Did 1/2 on exercise bike and so far have eaten better today than yesterday.
•Practiced with the old style jazz band tonight. Felt like our timing was off.
•I am going to go back to the Aebersold book. Improvisation to me seems to be really dependent on having a good ear. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Ok so I ate horribly today off my diet, and I didn't exercise. 
But I did practice more of Silver's patterns in the context of a song. I think it's just going to take time to know those patterns inside, outside, inside out, and sidewise. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A Change

Going to go back to the Aebersold book 1 for guitar. Did my 1/2 hour on the exercise bike. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Learning By Doing

Improvised a solo to a song. It sounds, well, elementary yet passable. I need to go back to the Silver book and go slower. If you view today's solo at face value it won't be worth much; however, I can learn from it as to what I need to work on. So it was in the doing that I realized I have to go back to the drawing board on some things. That's ok.
Did 1/2 hour on exercise bike.

Monday, January 26, 2015

G minor Monday

Did 1/2 hour on exercise bike; lost 12.6 pounds since Jan 5.
Did an interesting experiment today and I must say that I was pleased with the results. I made a two track recording: one track consisted of me simply vamping on G minor type chords. On the other track, I actually improvised yes improvised using Silver's 5 patterns. Not bad! I do realize that things will get complicated doing this in the context of playing a song with chord changes, but I am pleased as to where I'm going. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Gypsy Jazz

Had a good time tonight playing a set of songs with the Gypsy Jazz band at a gig. I played rhythm only. At home, practiced those first 4 of Silver patterns and I'm really trying to get them internalized.
Did at least 1/2 hour on the exercise bike. Getting ready for some snow. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015


• traded my Joe Pass for an older Casino that I love (picture below)
• went to deceased cousin's funeral. These things, as terrible as they can be, can be inspirational. Reading the obituary can inspire.
• practiced with the Gypsy Band last night. Challenging material! Gig with this band tomorrow.
• continue to use exercise bike and practice good health
• loving the Silver stuff. Today I worked on learning 2 of the 5 patterns inside and out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Patterns Patterns Patterns Patters

I think again the key is to really be able to move those patterns around. Get them ingrained. Get the ability to effortlessly shift from pattern to another pattern on a different fret and start any place within the patterns. Practiced this a bit today. Working still on "My Funny Valentine" and it's difficult to quickly shift patterns for me  at this point. Getting there! Figured out also that I was incorrectly determining what pattern to use. Another challenge will be to try to make the patterns sound melodic. 
Did my 1/2 hour on the exercise bike and continue to eat well. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


If anyone reading this believes in God, please send up a prayer for my cousin and his family; he passed away from cancer. He was one of those cousins that I never really saw a lot of, but when I did see him, he was always so kind. Thanks. 

Started working on my first improvisation today, and although it is difficult, I think I'm headed in the right direction. It's to the song "My Funny Valentine," and I'm of course using Silver's guidelines. I keep repeating this, but I think it's true: getting those patterns ingrained in my hands is key.

Did 1/2 hour on exercise bike.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Went on exercise bike this morning but the stupid timer stopped keeping time as I was riding. So I started over and put in more than 30 minutes. Lost 3.2 pounds since last week.
Well it looks like I rejoined the "Gypsy Jazz" band (at least temporarily). Anyway, today focused just a little on ingraining Silver's patterns 1 and 2.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

"Slow down, you move to fast."

Spent most of yesterday and today on the road or visiting my dad who lives over 2 hours away. I brought the Silver book, and I think I just need to slow down with my reading of if, and do more on my guitar with it! 
Got home, did 1/2 hour on exercise bike, and then decided to really get into Silver's first pattern so I don't have to always start a pattern on its first note. I think it's a good idea to keep doing this with the other patterns, but also its time to start improvising using his techniques with an actual song (with guitar in hand).
Time to stop the left brain emphasis and start improvising while internalizing the patterns in my brain more and more.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Going to read a little Edgar Allen Poe before bed tonight


Traveled a couple of hours or so to spend the day/night over with my dad. Today was nice spending time with him; on the way, listened to some of Silver's CD as well as one talking about the importance of being in a relationship with God. Went to Mass today with dad at the same Church in which I was baptized. Maybe I'm hearing Jesus? Interesting how one Scripture reading talks about the Lord calling.
Worked a little (without guitar in hand) on the steps to making a solo to a song.
No exercise bike today but I did manage to fit in a 1/2 hour walk. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Yea for Friday!

The Silver book continues to be a gold mine. Played aroud a little trying to set up a little solo for a song; reinforced the need to know the patterns inside and out (not always starting them on the first note!). 

Patience is the key. I have a tendency to expect too much too soon. Patience!

Saw the movie "Selma" tonight. Amazing how one man can make a difference in others' lives. 
Did 1/2 hour on exercise bike with the following results:
Calories burned = 232
Carbs burned = 41

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Learning, Learning

Although I haven't done all of the exercises, I'm up to page about 109 of the Silver book. Things are coming together in that I'm trying to learn by reading and internalizing; the test is going to come when I put the material to practice. I think that it might be slow going at first with regards to improvising from lead sheets (I'll probably be writing some guidelines above the chords and go slow at first), but I think this has the potential to take me places with improv. I anticipate doing a lot of pausing and counting frets to find the correct pattern(s) associated with the associated chords and writing things out on the lead sheets prior to improvising, but perhaps this will just take a matter of time before it becomes more natural and internalized.

Played the patterns today.

Very much looking forward to seeing the movie "Selma" tomorrow with my two oldest kids.

If you are a praying person, please say a prayer for my cousin and his family. Me and this cousin never really spent too much time together, but whenever we did, he was such a nice guy. He is hospice, with cancer. Thanks.

Ate perhaps a little more than usual today, but I'm still doing well with regards to keeping up with my health.  Did 1/2 hour in the exercise bike today, and here are the results:
Calories burned = 236
Carbs = 41.7
Distance = 9.32 miles

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday Practice

Mental Work:
• Figured out a cool way to remember the relationship between the five patterns as diagramed in the Silver book.
• Went over the different keys
• Went over chord names

Guitar Work
• Continued to try to internalize the patterns.
• Related the patterns while playing

A good laid back kind of practice day. 

Continue to take good care of self healthwise. Spent 1/2 hour on exercise bike with the following results:
Calories burned = 261
Carbs burned = 45.9
Distance 10.44 miles

My Middle Child!

My Youngest!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Practice Post

This is an extremely important post in that it can help me organize my practice of the Silver book. In future posts, I will refer to this post as "The Practice Post." As I am on p. 87 (not that I've done all homework yet as assigned up to this point), I will probably be adding more material to practice as I progress through the book. The posts marked with an asterisk (*) are things I can practice without a guitar in hand.


1. Practice playing the shapes one right after the other down the neck.

*2. Remember the stuff on page 10. Chord types / roots. #2 is tricky.

*3. Try to really internalize page 22 as much as possible.

4. Pick keys and play all patterns to it. THIS IS CRITICAL

5. Be able to pick a chord related to the 7 different types (ex: Bbmin7b5), and play it in an arbitrary pattern (ex. Play Bbmim7b5 in pattern 3). Remember that doing this requires the internalizing of p. 22.

*6. Internalize #36, p. 37.

*7. Internalize p. 37 (Keys)

Healthwise, I continue to eat more healthy and I rode the exercise bike for 1/2 hour.  Here are today's results:
Calories burned = 231
Carbs burned = 40.6
Distance = 9.17 miles

Monday, January 12, 2015


Well, I think I have found a goldmine in the Marc Silver's "Contemporary Guitar Improvisation" book. It is right what I am looking for when it comes to learning improvisation.  

But my practice time is limited. So some time has to be taken away from something else. Well, what's going to be taken away is me doing chord melody (repertoire) songs. I just think that to master this book as much as possible, I need to really focus. 

Ate well today, and rode the exercise bike for 1/2 hour today. Here are the results of the exercising:
Calories burned: 229
Carbs burned: 40.3
Distance: 9.11 miles

Lost 5.8 pounds since Jan 5

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jan 11

Up to page 32 in the Silver book; went over a number of quiz questions from the book (played the patterns in different contexts). Still need to get those patterns burned in my finger memory.

Did the exercise bike for about an hour. 

Son on Drums

Hair Cut

Got my hair cut today. This is the shortest it has ever been in I don't know how long!

Marc Silver book

Interesting day with the guitar. Not a lot of playing, but what WAS played in practicing from the Silver book was insightful. Let's just leave it at the fact that he has a type of chart that had put a lot together for me. I used this chart with some questions from one of his quizzes, and let's just say that things are clicking for me. Interesting indeed! I guess what I'm saying is that so far for me the Silver book seems to be actually a gold mine.

Played Mass with the Church band tonight; from now on there I think I'll play electric guitar. Went well.

Went 45 minutes on the exercise bike today, and here were the results: 
Calories burned = 356
Time 45 minutes
Carbs burned = 62.1
Distance = 13.91miles

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9

A band rehearsal night with 3/4 band. Had fun. Played some rock and roll and some jazz.  My solos on the jazz stuff are sounding better.

Rode exercise bike for 30 minutes. Results:
Calories burned = 230
Carbs burned = 40.4
Distance 9.12 miles 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Jan 8

On the way to work this morning, my vehicle indicated that it was 3 degrees outside. I really do not remember feeling so cold outside as I have felt recently.

The Silver book is getting to the point for me that we're at the challenge part. It's time to dig in with the perseverance factor on high and take it slow with patience. 

Just played the patterns today for a very short time.

Looking forward to seeing the movie, "Selma."

Did my 10 minutes on the exercise bike tonight. The results:

Calories burned = 232
Carbs burned = 40.7
Distance 9.17 miles

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jan 7

Not too much practice time at all today. But I went through the five patterns and thinking through some stuff in the Silver book. I must say that so far I am extremely pleased with the book, and I'm thinking that if I could continue to work through it; well, all I can say is that at this point I consider it a treasure.

Ate well today, did my 1/2 hour on the exercise bike today, and here are the results of my exercising today:

Calories burned = 215
Carbs burned = 37.9
Miles = 8.45

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jan 6

Up to page 26 on the Silver book, and the stuff is so cool! Not that I have everything mastered up to this page, but I'm getting there! Still have to work on burning those patterns into my memory. Also need to work on playing the patterns in a faster tempo. 

Ate well again today, rode the exercise bike for 30 minutes, and achieved the following:
Calories burned = 230
Carbs burned = 40.5
Miles = 9.12

Monday, January 5, 2015

Jan 5

Burned 200 calories on the exercise bike. Eating better. Memorizing the chord forms associated with the five Silver patterns. 
Started Lesson 2 in the Silver book, and it's something!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Jan 4

Just reviewing my five Silver patterns and starting to connect them to chords. Actually went over my repertoire, too.

Did 1/2 hour on exercise bike:
Burned 207 Calories 
Went 8.93 Miles
Burned 36.4 Carbs

Louis and a Birthday

No real practice today. However, travelled about an hour for my best friend's birthday party. We did some duet stuff on acoustic guitars that was fun. During the course of the party I was able to go through Silver's five patterns. During the hour ride to the party I listened to an old favorite of mine on CD: some of Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five stuff.
Did exercise bike for 1/2 hour:
Burned 180 calories 
Distance 8,62 miles 
Burned 31.6 Carbs 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Jan 2

Went on exercise bike for 1/2 hour. Went 8.17 miles, burned 169 calories, burned 29.7 carbs.

Continue to work hard on the Silver book. I think I may be ready for Assignment #2.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year • January 1, 2015 •

I guess there's no time better than now to list some health goals for the new year.
1. I/2 hour to 1 hour on exercise bike daily
2. Eat as healthy as possible
3. Reduce food portions

As of 4:31 PM today, I have been eating very healthy. Rode the exercise bike for 10 minutes on level one with the following results: went 8.90 miles / burned 184 calories / burned 32.6 carbs.

One of my musician buddies came over, and I got a chance to practice more improv. This time it went a lot better than the last time we tried it. This time I just kept my improvs simple.

Ok so my Florida State Seminoles lost. But keep in mind that it was their first loss since 2012! Congratulations to the Oregon Ducks on their (more than) convincing victory.

Still trying to burn those five patterns in the Silver book into my hands. 
